Program “Din drag și dor de limba și neamul străbunilor” – Școala Românească Nicolae Iorga Birmingham – Trimestrul 1

Class Age

4-15 years old


10 – 13:00




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Pentru că anul trecut ne-am luat zborul din rădăcini românești, anul acesta vom asculta triluri de pasăre măiastră. În plus, avem o veste buna! Durata fiecărei sesiuni se mărește de la 2 la 3 ore! Sesiunile vor începe de pe 21 septembrie 2024 și vor avea loc sâmbăta de la 10:00-13:00 se adresează copiilor cu vârsta între 4-15 ani. Investiția este de £5 per ora, deci £15 per sesiune. Adresa: Langley Primary School, Titford Road, Oldbury, West Midlands, B69 4QB


În timpul cursurilor, copiii vor: – Dezvolta abilități de a scrie, citi și vorbi limba română – Descoperi literatura, geografia, istoria și civilizația românească din România și Republica Moldova – Descoperi tradițiile românești de pe ambele maluri ale Prutului – Învăța expresii și proverbe românești – Învăța cuvinte noi, formule uzuale de adresar – Descoperi personalități marcante din istoria României și Republica Moldova – Învăța reguli de gramatică și ortografie – Face prezentări în limba română pe subiecte de interes public – Descoperi arta, bucătăria și muzica românească – Participa activ la activități artistice Profesor – Laura Elena PhD Filologie Coordonator Școală – Mariana Plamadeala , Fondator RUDA Pictură realizată de Anastasia Suna Munteanu – voluntara Scoala Românească “Nicolae Iorga”

Meet The Teachers

Laura Elena Suna (1)
Name : Laura Elena Suna
Position: Teacher at Școala Românească Nicolae Iorga Birmingham

Mrs. Laura-Elena Sună is from Iași, Romania and has over 20 years of experience in education, both in the UK and in Romania. She has been succeeding for some time to bring this experience to fruition at the “Nicolae Iorga” Romanian School in Birmingham as Teacher. 


Her approach to the educational act is based both on the conclusions drawn after 12 years of teaching English and Romanian in Romania, and over 9 years in the British educational system, but as well based on the study of second language teaching techniques (the target language) from her Master’s and Doctoral studies carried out by her on this topic.


Mariana (1)
Name : Mariana Plamadeala
Position: Coordonator of Școala Românească Nicolae Iorga Birmingham

Mariana Plamadeala is from Ialoveni, Republic of Moldova and has over 8 years of accumulated experience in managing communities and community projects. In 2018, in Birmingham, when she heard more and more often – children from Romanian families who spoke only English to each other – she decided to make a change.

Thus she ended up laying the foundations of the R.U.D.A association in 2019, and in 2020 – to open the “Nicolae Iorga” Romanian School Birmingham which has an integrated method of teaching the Romanian language. Together with Professor Laura-Elena Suna, for 2 years now they have been able to create successfully a community so necessary for the school alongside the parents who guide their children towards everything what Romania means. The school program is created by the Teacher with the support of the Coordinator and with the consultation of the other Nicolae Iorga schools in the UK.

Laura Elena Suna (1)
Name : Laura Elena Suna
Position: Teacher at Romanian School Nicolae Iorga Birmingham

Mrs. Laura-Elena Sună is from Iași, Romania and has over 20 years of experience in education, both in the UK and in Romania. She has been succeeding for some time to bring this experience to fruition at the “Nicolae Iorga” Romanian School in Birmingham as Teacher. Her approach to the educational act is based both on the conclusions drawn after 12 years of teaching English and Romanian in Romania, and over 9 years in the British educational system, but as well based on the study of second language teaching techniques (the target language) from her Master’s and Doctoral studies carried out by her on this topic.


Faithful to the culture and the mother tongue, Laura advocates for the teaching approach in creating a friendly environment, in which children can gradually learn aspects of the Romanian language, culture and civilization, starting from what is familiar to them and transferring and comparing knowledge acquired in school British.

“The child must be at the center of the educational act, that’s why we try to respond, as much as possible, to individual needs, however varied they may be in our Romanian school” (L.E.S.) 

Mariana (1)
Name : Mariana Plamadeala
Position: Coordonator of Romanian School Nicolae Iorga Birmingham

Mariana Plamadeala is from Ialoveni, Republic of Moldova and has over 8 years of accumulated experience in managing communities and community projects. In 2018, in Birmingham, when she heard more and more often – children from Romanian families who spoke only English to each other – she decided to make a change.


Thus she ended up laying the foundations of the R.U.D.A association in 2019, and in 2020 – to open the “Nicolae Iorga” Romanian School Birmingham which has an integrated method of teaching the Romanian language. Together with Professor Laura-Elena Suna, for 2 years now they have been able to create successfully a community so necessary for the school alongside the parents who guide their children towards everything what Romania means. The school program is created by the Teacher with the support of the Coordinator and with the consultation of the other Nicolae Iorga schools in the UK. 

In October 2022, Mariana was awarded with the “Ambassador’s Diploma” by Her Excellency, Mrs. Laura Popescu – Ambassador of Romania to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for special merits in promoting the Romanian language and culture.


During the months of October – November 2022, Mariana participated in the continuous training program “Teaching and learning the Romanian language in the diaspora” carried out by the National Association of European Trainers from the Republic of Moldova (ANTEM), thus sharing good practices with other Romanian schools and educational centers from Europe, but also Asia.